Meera Group

Our Office Details

You can move around with us. You can visit our office at the address given below.

Head Office

Hemsurpada , Angul , 759122 Odisha ( INDIA )

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

+91 9437130051 (office)
+91 9439120700 (Anirudh Agarwalla) Operation Head
+91 9437030051 (Omm Prakash Agarwalla) Managing Director

Branch Office

B-Mill Area , Sankchi , Jamshedpur ,East Singbhum , Jharkhand 831001 ( INDIA )

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

+91 9031922212 (Avisek Moonka)

Send Inquiry

Share your feedback or buy inquiry with us directly. Our team will be very happy with you.

Contact Form Demo (#4)